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Meat or a Diabetes Diet - Daily Health Idea

Meat or a Diabetes Diet - Daily Health Idea
Meat or a Diabetes Diet - Daily Health Idea

Meat or a Diabetes Diet

Lean meats and meat options are outstanding alternatives for humans with diabetes. Fatty meats and processed meats include dangerous fats that can enhance ldl cholesterol and your risk of heart disease.

In this article, we discuss healthy meat options and avoiding meat. We also discuss in detail the benefits of a plant-based diet for diabetes and include ideas for meat alternatives.


Healthful Meat Options

People with diabetes should choose lean meats to limit their intake of unhealthy fats. The Diabetes Exchange List can help with this.


The list, created via a committee of the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association, suggests meat choices based on protein, fats, and calorie content material.

The following sections show the nutritional values for a 1-ounce (ounce) serving of meat. All of those portions contain 7 grams (g) of protein.

Very Lean Meat

Very lean meat has 1 gram of fat and 35 calories per serving. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) trusted source lists only turkey or chicken breasts with very lean skin.


Lean Meat

Lean and lean meats contain 3 g of fat and 55 calories. These meats include:

  • Certain cuts of beef, including sirloin, flank steak, tenderloin, and floor beef
  • Lean red meat, together with fresh, canned, cured, or cooked ham, Canadian bacon, and tenderloin
  • Except for the veal cutlet
  • Poultry, chicken, turkey, plus Cornish hen (skinless)
  • Wild recreation, consisting of venison and rabbit, including pheasant, duck, and skinless goose

It's vital to word that some meats, along with Canadian bacon and floor red meat, incorporate 400 milligrams or extra of sodium in step with serving.

Eat meat in moderation

Some meats are less healthy than leaner options but may be suitable for consumption in moderation.


Medium fat meat

Medium-fat meats contain 5 grams of fat and 75 calories per 1-ounce serving. People should eat small portions of moderate-fat meats or include them in their diet occasionally. Medium-fat meats include:

  • Ground beef, chuck steak, and T-bone steak
  • Pork loin, loin roast, and cutlets
  • Roast lamb and lamb chops and leg
  • Veal cutlets, either ground or cubed and without breading
  • Chicken with skin, ground turkey, and domestic duck or goose
  • Liver, heart, kidney, and sweetbreads
  • 86% fat-free lunch meat (although it's high in sodium)

Meat to avoid

People with diabetes should avoid eating high-fats and processed meats. Lean meats have eight grams of fat and 100 energy in line with 1-ounce serving. Meats to avoid include:

  • Prime cuts of beef, such as ribs
  • Pork products, such as spareribs, ground pork, and sausage
  • Lamb patties made from ground lamb
  • Processed meats, such as sausage, salami, frankfurters, hot dogs, corned beef, and lunch meats.


Choosing the right meats is essential for individuals managing diabetes to maintain overall health and well-being. Opting for lean meats rich in protein and low in unhealthy fats helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart disease. Incorporating a variety of lean meats into the diet while avoiding high-fat and processed options supports diabetes management goals and promotes better health outcomes. By making informed choices about meat consumption and prioritizing moderation, individuals with diabetes can enjoy a balanced diet that supports their nutritional needs and enhances their quality of life.


  1. Why are lean meats recommended for individuals with diabetes?

    • Lean meats are recommended for individuals with diabetes because they contain less unhealthy fats, which can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Choosing lean meats helps individuals manage their fat intake while still obtaining essential nutrients like protein.
  2. What are some examples of very lean meats suitable for individuals with diabetes?

    • Very lean meats, such as skinless turkey or chicken breasts, contain minimal fat and calories per serving. These options provide protein without significantly impacting blood sugar levels or contributing to excessive calorie intake.
  3. Can individuals with diabetes consume moderate-fat meats?

    • Moderate-fat meats can be consumed in moderation by individuals with diabetes. While they contain slightly more fat and calories compared to lean meats, including moderate-fat meats like certain cuts of beef, pork, or poultry in the diet occasionally can provide variety without compromising overall health.
  4. Which meats should individuals with diabetes avoid?

    • Individuals with diabetes should avoid high-fat and processed meats, as these can negatively impact heart health and contribute to weight gain. Prime cuts of beef, pork products like sausage and ground pork, lamb patties, and processed meats such as hot dogs, salami, and lunch meats are examples of meats to avoid.
  5. What is the significance of monitoring sodium intake in meat consumption for individuals with diabetes?

    • Monitoring sodium intake is crucial for individuals with diabetes as excessive sodium consumption can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications. Some meats, particularly processed and cured varieties, may contain high levels of sodium, so it's important for individuals with diabetes to be mindful of their sodium intake and opt for lower-sodium options whenever possible.


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