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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You? l Daily Health Idea

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You?

It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what about a glass of apple cider vinegar in your opinion?

As a home remedy, apple cider vinegar is quite popular — with purported benefits ranging from increased energy to improving chronic health conditions.

A popular claim is that it is effective for weight loss.

Many people are always looking for an easy way to lose weight and improve their health, and apple cider vinegar is definitely one that I get asked about, a Houston Methodist gastroenterologist. Says expert Dr. Niharika Kalakota.


Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You?
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good for You? l Daily Health Idea

What is apple cider vinegar good for?

Health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:

  • lose weight
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes
  • Relieves heartburn
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Reducing varicose veins
  • Teeth whitening
  • Reduce dryness
  • Improve acne
  • Increase energy


That would be an impressive list - if actual.

To begin with, there may be no evidence that apple cider vinegar facilitates with weight loss unless it's in a calorie deficit—that is, unless you are ingesting fewer energy than you are burning. Had been.

"Drinking it after which eating a double cheeseburger and fries, and so forth. Won't paintings," explains Dr. Kalakota. "There's additionally no statistics that it improves your weight reduction past what a calorie deficit already gives."

The declare that apple cider vinegar can relieve heartburn—whilst belly acid travels up your esophagus and causes burning ache—is in particular troubling due to the fact, as Dr. Kalakota notes, Apple cider vinegar also consists of acetic acid.

"By ingesting it, it creates a lot of acid for your belly that is already causing problems," says Dr. Kalakota. "It can without a doubt make acid reflux worse."

Most of the opposite intended advantages have either been unstudied or disregarded, but  regions wherein apple cider vinegar may also play a small function are blood sugar law and cholesterol protection.

Compiled research display that apple cider vinegar can produce a modest reduction in fasting glucose (excessive fasting glucose is indicative of kind 2 diabetes.) In addition, a few studies show a modest increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Is proven, once in a while called "diabetes". "desirable" cholesterol - even though they confirmed no effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "awful" cholesterol.

At any rate, these effects are minimum.

"In other phrases, no, apple cider vinegar will now not cure type 2 diabetes or play a huge position in its control," says Dr. Kalakuta. "It's additionally not going to assist lower your ldl cholesterol or prevent any of those different situations."


Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects: Could It Really Be Bad For You?

Regardless of whether you buy its health claims, Dr. Kalakota says the important thing about apple cider vinegar is that it should never be mixed with water first.


This is because drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar can cause:

  • Dental caries
  • Erosive esophageal disease


"I've had many sufferers are available in who could not swallow, and diagnostic endoscopy revealed that their complete esophageal lining became completely raw," says Dr. Kalakota. "When I ask them approximately their diet, I find out they're taking pictures of apple cider vinegar every day."


The extreme acidity of apple cider vinegar causes this damage. This quality also causes tooth erosion, which Dr. Kalakota also notes is supported by case studies.


Just a matter of eating an apple instead

As Dr. Kalakota factors out, she doesn't discourage people from trying apple cider vinegar—as long because it's diluted and consumed in moderation.

However, she points out that there are higher, proven ways to achieve its claimed benefits.

"Eating a healthy weight loss program complete of fiber and plant products can assist with weight reduction, control diabetes, lower ldl cholesterol, and greater," says Dr. Kalakota. "If you continue to want to locate ways to contain apple cider vinegar, you may prepare dinner with it as a part of your wholesome eating regimen, the use of it in sauces, marinades, and seasonings. "

Also, do not anticipate that consuming a pitcher of apple cider vinegar has the same benefits as ingesting an apple.

Eating an entire apple gives you with fiber, antioxidants, and nutrition B, says Dr. Kalakota.


While apple cider vinegar has been claimed to provide numerous health benefits, there is little scientific evidence that it is directly effective for conditions like weight loss, blood sugar control or cholesterol lowering when consumed on its own. In fact, drinking undiluted vinegar can cause dental erosion and damaged tissues. Any small effects seen in studies were modest and it should not replace proven lifestyle strategies. That said, diluted vinegar may be safely enjoyed in moderation as part of balanced diet. An apple itself contains fiber and nutrients that support health in clinically meaningful ways unlike vinegar alone. Moderation and common sense are key when it comes to folk remedies.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How should apple cider vinegar be diluted?

A: Mix 1-2 tsp in an 8 oz glass of water to minimize risk of tooth or tissue damage.

Q: When is the best time to consume diluted vinegar?

A: It can be enjoyed throughout the day, but not with or right after meals to avoid interfering with digestion.

Q: Are there any drug interactions to be aware of?

A: Possible interaction with diabetes and heart failure medications, so check with your healthcare provider.

Q: What other unproven health claims are made about vinegar?

A: Claims range from curing cancer to boosting immunity, but there is little research to substantiate most of these.

Q: Are there safer ways to receive potential benefits?

A: Making lifestyle changes like eating fruits/veggies, managing stress, exercising, staying hydrated.

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