what are people looking for in online fitness classes?

what are people looking for in online fitness classes?
what are people looking for in online fitness classes?

More and more people are turning to online fitness classes as a convenient and affordable way to workout from home. With the ongoing pandemic limiting access to gyms, online classes have become extremely popular. But what exactly are people hoping to get out of these virtual workouts? This article explores some of the key things people consider when choosing online fitness classes.


One of the top benefits of online classes is their convenience. You can workout anytime that fits your schedule without having to physically travel to and from a gym. Whether it's early in the morning before work, during your lunch break, or late at night, online classes are extremely flexible.

People appreciate being able to workout from the comfort of their own home without worrying about commute times or busy gym schedules. Some other convenient aspects include:

  • No need to plan out gym time weeks in advance
  • Workout anywhere - at home, while traveling, from the office
  • Pause or rewind videos anytime for repeating exercises

The ability to workout on demand from any internet-connected device makes online classes very appealing for busy schedules. People are looking for maximum flexibility without compromising on their fitness goals.

Variety of class types

While gyms typically offer a standard selection of cardio and strength training classes, online platforms provide a much wider variety of class formats and styles. This allows people to sample different types of workouts to keep things interesting.

Some of the most popular online class types include:

  • Yoga, pilates, barre - Focus on flexibility, tone and mindfulness
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - Short, intense bursts of exercise
  • Dance/Zumba - Fun cardio classes with dance moves set to music
  • Bootcamp style - Multi-muscle workouts incorporating bodyweight moves
  • Pre/post-natal - Classes tailored for expectant/new mothers
  • Low impact - Gentler options for beginners or injury recovery

Having so many unique class styles at their fingertips lets people find the right fit based on their fitness level, goals and interests. It also prevents workout routines from growing stale with constant variation.

Customizable intensity

At a packed gym class, it can be difficult to modify exercises based on your unique fitness level or available equipment. But online classes are highly customizable, allowing people to tailor the intensity as needed.

Some ways users control intensity include:

  • Pausing/skipping ahead in videos
  • Modifying exercise difficulty with variations shown
  • Adjusting time under tension, reps or weight used
  • Going at their own pace without comparing to others

Being able to scale up or down challenges means people of all fitness levels can participate. Those rehabbing injuries also appreciate built-in modifications. Customization fosters independence and prevents injury from exercises done at the wrong intensity.

Trainers and motivation

Having a talented and motivating instructor leading the workout provides accountability and inspiration. Even though online, good trainers make viewers feel like they're participating in a real group fitness class through:

  • High energy and encouragement throughout routines
  • Clear visual and verbal cues for each exercise transition
  • Personable introductions that foster a sense of community
  • Demonstrating proper form to prevent injury

Their upbeat coaching helps drive people through tough rounds and pushes them to try their best. It's a more engaging experience than following a generic exercise video alone at home. Trainers keep things fun and compelling even without in-person interaction.

Cost savings

One of the biggest attractions of online fitness classes is the significant cost savings compared to gym memberships or in-person classes. Many platforms offer entire libraries of on-demand and live workouts for only $10-30 per month.

Some additional ways they save money include:

  • No equipment costs since bodyweight exercises are often used
  • Cancel anytime without yearly contracts or fees
  • Share plans/accounts between family members
  • Some classes are completely free on YouTube

The low prices make staying active much more affordable long-term. People appreciate sustainable workout routines they don't have to keep spending more and more money on over time.

# No equipment needed

While optional gear like weights or mats can enhance some online routines, the basic workouts generally don't require any equipment. This is a major plus for people who don't have access to gyms or can't afford specialized gear.

All that's needed is a small cleared space at home. Even without equipment, the bodyweight exercises alone deliver serious results. Not worrying about equipment is appealing to:

  • Renters with limited space
  • College students living in dorms
  • Travelers working out in hotel rooms
  • Those on a budget or in small living areas

Anyone can participate as long as they have an internet connection and room to move around safely. The workouts accommodate all lifestyles - committed athletes or complete beginners.

Table: Comparing Online Classes to Gyms


Online Classes



Anytime, anywhere access

Must travel during open hours


Hundreds of class types

Standard weight/cardio options


Control difficulty independently

May feel pressure to keep up


Engaging remote coaching

Not 1:1 attention in crowded classes


$10-30/month often

$40-100+/month membership fees


Mostly bodyweight

Extensive machines/weights required


Q: How do I know which platform is best for me?

A: Consider the types of classes you prefer, your budget, and if you value live or on-demand options more. Read reviews to compare features between leading providers like Peloton, Beachbody, Fitness+, etc. Talking to friends using different services can also help you choose. Offer free trials when possible before committing long-term.

Q: Will I see results without gym equipment?

A: Absolutely. Bodyweight exercises alone are extremely effective when done consistently with intensity. Following a balanced program targeting all muscle groups through squats, planks, pushups, etc. will build strength and burn fat. Proper form and progression over time ensures ongoing challenges for the body.

Q: Is there a way to feel more connected without in-person classes?

A: Many platforms offer social features like leaderboards, challengers, or groups to foster online communities. Following your favorite trainers on social media also connects you to their broader audience. Commenting during livestreams can help you feel part of the experience. Beyond the classes, seek local workout buddies through apps or activity finders as well.


As online fitness continues to grow, people want flexibility, variety and affordability in their virtual workouts. They appreciate the major benefits of convenience and customization above all else. Having motivating remote trainers and robust class libraries keeps things interesting long-term.

While equipment expands options, bodyweight alone delivers when consistency is key. As long as people find classes aligning with their interests and schedules, online platforms make staying active highly sustainable. With so many choices, virtual workouts are here to stay as a popular supplementary or standalone workout method for the future.


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